Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Virginia Tech Shooter was Autistic Conspiracy

Have you heard the theory that the Virginia Tech shooter, Seung-Hui Cho, was autistic and the MSM (main-stream media) is suppressing that information at the request of the pharmaceutical industry and their enablers in government? The evidence for the conspiracy:
* Cho’s relatives living in Korea thought that he was autistic.
* Cho’s symptoms started at about the age that autism symptoms often begin.
* Cho exhibited the flat affect symptomatic of autism.
* If it is proven in a court of law that many cases of autism were caused by infant vaccines which contained mercury the pharmaceutical industry could be liable for billions of dollars in damages.
* The government is in the pocket of the pharmaceutical industry.

That, as I understand it, is the evidence for the conspiracy. If you know of any more evidence be sure to leave a comment telling us about it.

The evidence against the conspiracy:
* Nobody who had actually seen Cho in the last 15 years seemed to think he was autistic.
* It would be very unusual for someone with autism to feel persecuted.
* It would be very unusual for someone with autism to be violent with anyone other than themselves.
* If childhood vaccines caused autism it would be relatively easy to prove that since, unlike other possible environmental factors, there is no question whether or not any particular patient was exposed to a vaccine. Populations of children who did not receive vaccines, such as the Amish, have the same rates of autism as populations who did.

There is more that could be said but I think that is sufficient for any reasonable person to come to the correct conclusion.


Anonymous said...

My take on this is that someone ought to have identified Cho's mental illness. Then he should have been placed in a mental health facility. The mental health professionals ought to have then recognized that this man was very troubled and ill and needed to be placed in a longer term facility for his and everyone's protection.

But of course all of that happened just as it should have happened. But why then was he not placed in such a facility? Because those type of facilities were all closed during the Reagan era and replaced by an even larger number of prisons (often the prisons were placed in the same newly abandoned facilities). Prior to Reagan's shortsighted and hateful "cost cutting", our country's mentally ill were in hospitals, protected from themselves and society. Today they are housed under guard in those same facilities but now at a greater cost to our society. The most notable characteristic of today's prisons is that so many of their inmates are mentally ill.

Anthony_96 said...

My take on this is that people like to point the finger and blame the other. In this case, people are pointing the finger and blaming a mental illness. Go to and allow yourselves to become educated by the National Alliance of Mental Illness. Now, if you feel that you need to blame the Virginia Tech Massacre on a mental illness instead of the individual gunman--than you need to get head checked. Blaming Cho's actions on a mental illness is "poor judgement." Poor judgement is just one symptom of a mental illness. Now, what people need to start doing is studying the MLA style manual and the APA style manual, so they can become educated about what it takes to create a research paper describing the terms of a mental illness, the issues surrounding a mental illness, and the facts and findings surrounding immigration, mental illness, Cho, and the Virginia Tech Shooting.

We do not know if Cho had a mental illness. If we did than it would have been identified. We can not go on to assume why Cho did what he did. We do not have to spend our time speculating about why he did what he did, because it is done and over with. The man was a cold blooded killer full of prejudice and hate. There is one other man that comes to mind when I think of Cho. That man is Adolf Hitler. The Holocaust was driven by Hitler's prejudice and hate. Did this make him mentally ill? No! He was the antichrist.

Let's take a look at a few people in history. Those studied by Kay Redfield Jamison. In Jamison's book; Touched With Fire, the names Edgar Allen Poe and Vincent van Gogh are discussed with their known diagnosis' of bipolar disorder. Does this mean that they were mentally ill? Yes! Does this mean that they were killers? No! Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Edison were bipolar. Were they killers? No! They were geniouses.

Anonymous said...

It would be very unusual for someone with autism to feel persecuted.

That just seems like a ridiculous argument to me.

Why wouldn't someone with autism feel persecuted? A lot of people with autism ARE persecuted.

It would be very unusual for someone with autism to be violent with anyone other than themselves.

That's not what I hear. From what I've gathered, it's actually quite common for autistic kids to throw tantrums and to bite and kick. But that's not the point, as this topic relates to Cho and his crime.

Nobody claims that autism, if Cho had it, was the DIRECT cause of his homicidal rage. But it's pretty clear that he felt rejected by the world and wanted to take revenge on it and to finally be somebody noticed. And my take is, that rejection in turn could very easily have been a direct result of the social isolation that autism causes.

I'm convinced that Cho had some sort of issues with autism. And I don't think it helps to deny some sort of connection.

And yes, I'm most likely (undiagnosed) autistic, and although I'm not nearly as bad as Cho was, I've spent my entire life in painful loneliness as a result. If it was that much worse for Cho, I could easily see how he might be driven insane by his isolation.