Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Are you a compassionate Conservative, Moderate or Liberal?

A Moline, Illinois organization that provides assistance and services to immigrants has sent out an urgent appeal for help. A Moline woman desperately needs surgery for a goiter which is making it difficult for her to swallow.
Maria Hernandez is an unemployed, 36 year old mother of four. Her husband works for a temp agency. They have lived in Moline for 11 years. Maria has a progressively enlarging goiter in her throat that is painful and makes it increasingly difficult for her to swallow. She was referred to a surgeon who recommended that she have it surgically removed. They have no health insurance and because she is not a US citizen, Maria is not eligible for a Medical Card.

Trinity Hospital has approved Maria for their financial aid program. There is no problem with getting her into the hospital. However, General Surgery Associates is insisting that she pay the total amount $2,600 up front before they will do the surgery. Even though the Hernandez family has paid their doctor bills so far, the doctor’s office will not accept a payment plan for the surgery.

At this point, we are asking the community for help. Each day that passes, Maria is in increasing discomfort. We understand that doctors should be paid for their work, and we appreciate the vital, life saving work they do. But as a caring community, we cannot stand heartlessly by watching while Maria suffers and chokes on her own spit.

Please help and donate what you can, so that Maria can have the surgery. If everyone who reads this or is told about this family’s plight sends a little bit, together we can raise the funds to help. Send your donations to the Casa Guanajuato Cultural Center (for Maria Hernandez), 133 – 4th Ave., Moline, IL 61265 or call Connie Barrett at 309-235-1160 or Stella Schneekloth at 309-558-9449.

I can personally guarantee that every penny donated to this fund will be used for Maria's medical expenses.

UPDATE: I have set up an email account and PayPal account so that donations can be made online - mariahernadezfund@casagtomoline.org. If you want to make a donation online click the "PayPal Payment" button on the right side of the screen, just below my profile. I am wondering if we will get more contributions from self-identified Conservatives, Moderates or Liberals. If you would like me to figure out which group is more compassionate mention your political leanings when you make your contribution. If you make your contribution through PayPal just type it in the space for item being purchased.

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